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TEACHING (all in English)


  • Science, Technology and Public Policy  과학기술정책  2022F, 2021F, 2020F (대학원전공필수)

  • Science, Technology and Global Development   과학기술과 글로벌 발전  2024F, 2020S, 2019S (대학원전공)

  • Digital Transformation and Sustainable Development  디지털전환과 지속가능발전  2022S, 2020S  (학부/대학원)  

  • Science and Technology in Future Society  미래사회와 과학기술  2024S, 2021S (학부 부전공/학부 교양) 

  • Research Methodologies in Public Management 연구방법론  2019F (학부 부전공) 

  • Introduction to International Development Cooperation 국제개발협력개론 2019S  (학부)

  • Smart Energy, Environmental Technologies and Innovative Governance 스마트 에너지/환경 기술과 혁신 거버넌스  2022F(공동) 

  • Sustainable Development Policy and Business  2021F (경영공학부 전공)

  • ESG 최고경영자 과정 2021-

  • KAIST 학부 글로벌 리더십 과정 2020-

[2022 Fall]
STP483/CoE491. Special Topics in Smart Convergence <Smart Energy and Environmental Technologies and Innovative Governance>  (스마트 에너지/환경 기술과 혁신 거버넌스)

STP483/CoE491 is the convergence course of the College of Engineering open to all undergraduate and graduate students. It is operated as a curriculum in which professors in various fields such as science and engineering and humanities and social science work together to think about problems, present various perspectives, and ask questions. It introduces new energy and environmental technologies for responding to the climate crisis and innovative governance through policy applications of these technologies. This course allows students to discuss areas necessary in technology and policy to solve important energy/ environmental problems facing in the future. The course is conducted through lectures, reading articles, and leading and participating in the discussion, student-led class workshops as well as field trip to research institutions. 

STP483/CoE491 교과목은 모든 학부생과 대학원생들에게 개방된 공학대학의 융합 과정이며 Post-AI 시대를 선도하는 미래의 핵심역량을 갖춘 통섭형 인재양성을 목표로 이공 및 인문사회 등 여러 분야 교수진이 협업하여 다양하고 실질적인 문제를 기술 키워드 중심으로 문제를 고민하고, 다양한 관점을 제시하고 질문을 던지는 교육과정으로 운영하다.​ 이수업에서는 기후위기 대응을 위한 에너지 및 환경 신기술과 이러한 기술의 정책 적용을 통한 혁신 거버넌스에 대해 다룬다. 수업을 통해 앞으로 당면한 중요한 에너지/환경 문제의 해결을 위해 기술과 정책에서 필요한 영역을 논의합니다. 강좌는 강의, 토론 주도 및 참여, 학생 주도 수업 워크숍, 연구기관 현장학습 등을 통해 진행된다.

TA: Se Yeop Kim, May Myat Thwe, Shareena Azliani A Aziz S


[2022 Spring]
STP483/HSS483. Digital Transformation and Sustainable Development (디지털전환과 지속가능발전)

2022 봄학기 Edu4.0 Q 조교활동 우수사례 수상

STP483/HSS483 is an STP (Science and Technology Policy) minor course open to all undergraduate and graduate students. STP483 introduces students to major debates and policy issues surrounding national and global sustainable development. Science and technological innovation are highly intertwined with socio-political challenges and power dynamics in our society, affecting national development strategies and people’s well-being in each country. In particular, the diffusion of digital technologies has led to a major transformation of the landscape of sustainable deve-lopment. This course examines the opportunities and challenges of the emerging digital technologies in ongoing global sustainable development issues such as poverty and inequality, integration of the world economy, environmental sustainability, and global aid effectiveness agenda.

STP483/HSS483 수업에서는 국가발전 및 글로벌 지속가능발전을 둘러싼 주요 논점들과 정책 이슈를 소개합니다. 특히 빈곤, 불평등, 세계경제통합, 지속가능한 환경, 원조효과성 문제 등 현재도 지속적으로 논의되고 있는 글로벌 지속가능발전 이슈에 대한 첨단 디지털기술의 가능성과 도전과제를 규명합니다.

TA: Ji-soo Sim 심지수, Taylor de Rosa


[2024 Spring/ 2021 Spring]

STP412. Science and Technology in Future Society (미래사회와 과학기술)

STP412 is an STP (Science and Technology Policy) minor course open to all undergraduate students. STP412 is designed to critically discuss the role of science, technology in a more sustainable, globalized, digitalized and uncertain future society. STP412 focuses on how science and technology promote and threat the core values of society such as sustainability, socio-political inclusion, connectivity and humanity. This will be done through reading classics, leading and participating class discussion that relates to real-world policy cases. The core aim of the course is to help students understand the multifaceted roles of science and technology; their socioeconomic, political, cultural and policy impact in future society; and think creatively and critically in identifying, predicting and solving future policy problems. 

STP412 수업은 앞으로 가속화 될 디지털, 글로벌, 불확실성의 사회의 화두를 예측하고, 미래사회의 핵심가치가 될 지속가능성, 포용성, 인류애에 관해 주로 토의합니다. 과학기술혁신이 가져오는 가능성과 도전 과제에 대해 토론하고, 다가오는 미래를 창의적으로 또 비판적으로 전망해보는 수업이 될 것입니다. 

TA: Ji-soo Sim 심지수,  Jerry Kim 김재리


[2022 Fall/ 2021 Fall  / 2020 Fall]
STP601. Survey in Science, Technology, and Public Policy (과학기술과 공공정책)

Science and technology intersect with diverse areas of public policy. Looking at the emerging global crisis of COVID-19 this year, there have been various policy responses at the national and international level. There has been growing debate over government surveillance, effectiveness of disaster relief allowances, as well as the relevance of digital new deal and green new deal. 

These issues raise questions about the relationship between science, technology, and public policy. What are the roles of scientific discovery and technological innovation in public policy? How do national governments promote policy for science, technology and innovation (STI)? Is technological development always socially benign, and beneficial to the public? Is the change governable? If so, who is responsible for the governance, and who has the power? Is more and better science necessary for policy making?

Such issues in the field of science, technology and policy (STP) fits in a broader scholarly works of Public Policy and Public Management. Hence, to develop a perspective on these issues, this course builds the foundational knowledge base and guidance on how to conduct academic research on policy issues.

[2020 Spring] ​

HSS332. Sustainable Development and Digital Innovation (지속가능발전과 디지털 혁신)

2020 KAIST 교육혁신 우수사례 수상   

In 2015, 193 United Nations member states adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The 17 goals with 169 targets represent an important milestone in setting humanity on a trajectory towards sustainable development. There is still on-going debate surround the SDGs: What do we mean by sustainable development? How do we measure the progress of national development? Why are some countries rich while others living in poverty? Why does international community provide aid to low-income countries in order to enhance socio-economic development? How effective is this international development cooperation? What are the roles of science and technology in sustainable development?

This course aims to provide undergraduate students with an introduction to the fundamental concepts, institutional structure and practices of sustainable development. Students will get a historical and conceptual overview of how sustainability, development, international aid has been understood, as well as, how progress can be measured. We will also examine how various actors are responding to and implementing the SDGs with special attention to the roles of digital technologies. It is increasingly clear that emergence of digital technologies, we refer to them as the digital innovation, are becoming a key component in societal transformation toward sustainability. Digitalization is not only a tool to tackle sustainability challenges, but also fundamental as a driver of disruptive societal change in this hyper connected world.

TA: Jiwon Park 박지원, Joelle Champalet 

[2024 Fall/ 2020 Spring/ 2019 Spring]

STP501. Science, Technology, and Global Development (과학기술과 글로벌 발전)

Science and technological innovation is highly intertwined with a number of critical challenges and international agenda settings that impact national development policy and people’s well-being in each country. This graduate-level course introduces students to the discourses and policies surrounding science, technology and global development. STP501 exposes students to understanding the global nature of the current science and technology policy agenda. STP501 examines the opportunities and challenges in on-going global issues such as globalization, integration of the world economy, diffusion of policy and technology, global inequality, networked society and sustainable development agenda. It provides the understanding of how globalization is associated with these widening socio-political, technological and development issues.

The goal of this course is not repeating the conventional dichotomies such as developed vs. developing, state-led vs. market-led, economic growth vs. social-wellbeing. Instead, STP501 will provide a more nuanced understanding of development by exploring multidimensional approach to development. STP501 draws on diverse resources mainly from Development Studies, but also from Sociology, Economics, International Relations, Public Policy and Information Systems as a discipline. Building on the epistemological, theoretical and conceptual frameworks underpin the discourses, STP501 explores the role of science and technology in global challenges with a special focus on the digital technologies in socio-economic development in the global South.

[2019 Fall]

STP411. Research Methodologies in Public Management (공공관리 연구방법론)    

​This course (STP411) is an undergraduate-level course introducing students to the current policy issues, theories, research methodologies in the field of public management. This semester-long course will cover the theoretical foundations in the field of public management as well as expose students to the methodological underpinnings in policy studies. The core aim of the course is to 1) help students deepen their appreciation of the significance of public management perspective in policy studies; 2) enhance students’ ability to analytically approach real world problems of public management in the context of current complex and digitalized society; and 3) develop student’s capacity to conduct theoretically, epistemologically and methodologically sound undergraduate level policy research.

TA: Hyonsoo Jeong  정현수 

[2019 Spring]

HSS332. International Development Cooperation (국제개발협력)

Why are some countries rich while others living in poverty? Why does international community provide aid to low-income countries in order to enhance socio-economic development? How effective is development cooperation? How do we measure poverty and inequality? What do we mean by national development? HSS332 will provide an undergraduate-level overview of the fundamental concepts, institutional structure and practices of international development. This course will draw from a variety of disciplines and ideological perspectives on development. The goal of this course is not repeating the conventional dichotomy such as developed vs. developing, state-led vs. market-led, economic growth vs. social-well being. Instead, this course will provide a more nuanced understanding of development by exploring multidimensional approach to development. The topics to be covered start with poverty, inequality, history of aid institutions and political economy of aid. We will also examine the current activities and competing development agenda of diverse development agencies with special attention to the following ten fields: economic growth and poverty, education, public health, food and agriculture, information and communication technologies, energy and environment, human rights, microfinance and fair trade, civil society and governance, humanitarian assistance

TA: Hyun-ah Keum 금현아



[2018 Fall]

STP483. ICT for Development (정보통신기술과 발전) 

This course explores the role of science and technology in development policy and international development cooperation. STP483 introduces students to the logics, implementation and assessment of science and technology policy with a particular focus on information and communication technology (ICT). We consider how various theoretical and practical links between ICTs and development are perceived in the literature and case studies in relation to a number of key application areas such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), e-government, ICT and education, big data, mobile health technology, and ICT and humanitarian assistance.

TA: Joonho Lee 이준호

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