United Nations ESCAP (UNESCAP) hosts the 9th North-East Asia Development Cooperation Forum this week (August 24-25). The Forum discusses experiences and challenges on agile and risk-informed development cooperation toward achieving the SDGs. Professor Park gives a talk on the progress of development cooperation in this region at Session 2 (Day 1).
UNESCAP이 주관하고 한, 중, 일, 러시아 국제개발협력 학회가 공동 주최하는 9회 동북아 개발협력포럼이 8월 24, 25일 개최됩니다. 세부 세션 내용은 아래와 같습니다.
○ 제 목: 동북아개발협력포럼 / North-East Asia Development Cooperation Forum ○ 일 시: 2022.08.24(목)~25(금) (09:00-11:00 모스크바/14:00-16:00 베이징/15:00-17:00 서울 및 도쿄)
○ 주 제: Agile and risk-informed development cooperation towards achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development ○ 주요세션:
New Cosmopolitanism? North-East Asia’s contribution to Global Public Goods for Development
Highlights of the 2022 Development Cooperation Forum Survey Study
Implementing Sustainable Development Goals in Korea
Exploring a New Discourse for International Cooperation
Boosting cooperation: How to incorporate academic expertise into the work on the ground
○ 홈페이지 Homepage: https://www.unescap.org/events/2022/north-east-asia-development-cooperation-forum-2022 ○ 등록 Registration: https://forms.office.com/r/6b9Pye0Ujt