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Journal Articles

Park, KR. (2024). Unleashing Synergy or Accelerating Fragmentation? Issues in Science and Technology. 40(4), pp. 53-57.

Khatun, F., Das, NC., Hoque, MR., Saqeeb, KN., Rahman, M., Park, KR., Rasheed, S., and Reidpath, D. (2024). User’s perceived service quality of national telemedicine services during COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh: Cross-sectional study. JMIR Human Factors (Accepted).

Park, KR. and Park, YS. (2023). Addressing institutional challenges in Sustainable Development Goals implementation: Lessons from the Republic of Korea. Sustainable Development. 31(1),  pp.1-16. 

​Lee, J., Song, H., Lee, DJ., Kim, S., Sim, JS., Cha, M., and Park, KR. (2023). Machine Learning Driven Aid Classification for Sustainable Development. International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence. 2023. (Acceptance Rate: 15.0%) 

Kim, D., Won, J., Lee, E., Park, KR., Kim J., Park, S., Yang, H., and Cha M. (2022). Disaster Assessment Using Computer Vision and Satellite Imagery: Applications in Detecting Water-related Building Damages. Frontiers in Environmental Science. 10:969758. 

Park, KR. (2022). A Theoretical Reflection on International Development Cooperation in the Era of Digital Transformation. International Development and Cooperation Review,. 14(2), pp.1-20. 디지털 전환 시대  비판적 국제개발협력을 위한 이론적 고찰. 국제개발협력연구. (Korean) ​
Park, KR. (2020). Data Revolution: A Critical View from the Perspective of Development Cooperation. International Development and Cooperation Review, 12(2), pp.1-20. 개발협력 관점에서 본 ‘데이터 혁명’: 비판적 소고. 국제개발협력연구. (Korean)
Park, KR. (2018) Social Shaping of Aid Information Standard: The Role of International Aid Transparency Initiative in the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). International Development and Cooperation Review, 10(3), pp.199-227. 원조정보 국제표준의 형성과 유엔지속가능발전목표 이행을 위한 표준의 역할. 국제개발협력연구. (Korean)
Park, KR., and Li, B. (2017). Systems Failure for Good Reasons? Understanding Aid Information Management Systems (AIMS) with  Indonesia as the State Actor in the Changing Global Field of Aid. In: Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries ICT4D 2017. 504. pp.321-332. Springer.
Peer-reviewed Conference Proceedings (Information Systems, ICT4D & Computer Science) 
Thwe, MM. and Park, KR. (2023). A Systematic Literature Review on the Adoption of Edge Computing for Sustainable Development. In International Conference on Electronic Government pp. 329-344. Springer.
Amarakoon, P.M., Braa, J.A., Park, K.R., Sahay, S., Muhire, A. (2022). Building Digital Resilience to Combat Pandemics: Comparison of South Korea, Sri Lanka and Rwanda. In: Zheng, Y., Abbott, P., Robles-Flores, J.A. (eds) Freedom and Social Inclusion in a Connected World. ICT4D 2022. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 295-309. Springer.
Park, KR., Sahay, S., Braa, J., and Amarakoon, P. (2021). Digital Resilience for What? Case of South Korea. Implications of Information and Digital Technologies for Development. ICT4D 2021. 139-153. Springer.
Park, KR., and Yim, M. (2017). Use of Information Systems and Data Sharing in Aid Management – Challenges and Opportunities in Southeast Asia. Proceedings of the 10th Annual International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) SIG Global  Development, Seoul. 

Park, KR. (2017). An Analysis of Aid Information Management Systems (AIMS) in Developing Countries: Explaining the Last Two Decades. Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Hawaii. pp.2580-2589. 

Book Chapters 
Davison, R., Andrade, A., Bailey, A., Ruhode, B., Walsham, G., Van Belle, J., Van Biljon, J., Wakunuma, K., Park, KR., Joia, L., Thomas, M., Frasheri, N., Wall, PJ., La Rovere, RL., Masiero, S., and Karanasios, S. (2024). "Past Practices, Current Debates and Disputes: Future Engagements and Opportunities Regarding Digital Transformation for Sustainable Development".  in C. Leslie and D. Kreps (Eds.) Current Directions in ICT and Society, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. pp.43–58. Springer.
Park, KR. (2022). “Science, Technology and Innovation in Sustainable Development Cooperation: Practices and Challenges in South Korea”. in H. Kwon and T. Yamagata (Eds.), International Development Cooperation of Japan and South Korea: New Strategies for an Uncertain World. Palgrave Macmillan.
Park, KR. (2022). "Data", in S. Kim (Ed.), Fundamental Concepts in Digital Society, Seoul. 데이터. 디지털 사회의 핵심개념. (사회평론아카데미). (Korean). 
Park, KR. (2021). “Science and Technology Policy in North Korea and ICT Cooperation”, in S. Kim (Ed.), US-China ICT Competition and Technology Cooperation in South-North Korea, Seoul. 과학기술 ICT협력과 북한. 미중ICT경쟁과 남북ICT협력. (사회평론아카데미).(Korean)

Park, KR. (2021). “Data and International Development Cooperation”, in H. Lee (Ed.), ICT4D, Seoul: Hanul. “데이터와 국제개발협력”. ICT4D 정보통신기술과 국제개발협력. 한울. (Korean)
World Bank Publications 
Wittemyer, R., Bailur, S., Anand, N., Park, KR., and Gigler, S. (2014). “New Routes to Governance: A Review of Cases in Participation, Transparency, and Accountability,” In: Closing the Feedback Loop: Can Technology Bridge the Accountability Gap? World Bank, Washington. DC. 

Eggli, S., and Park, KR. (2013). “Using ICT to Improve Transparency in Bank-Financed Projects”, Open Development Technology Alliance How-to Notes Series, World Bank, Washington. DC. 

Kuriyan, R., Bailur, S., Gigler, S., and Park, KR. (2012). “Technologies for Transparency and Accountability: Implications for ICT Policy and Implementation.” Open Development Technology Alliance Knowledge Collection, World Bank. Washington, DC.

Other Conference Proceedings 
Park, KR., Cordella, A., and Banister, F. (2022). “Introduction to Policies and Strategies for Digital Government”, In Proceedings of the 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Hawaii.  

Cordella, A., Banister, F., and Park, KR. (2021). “Introduction to Policies and Strategies for Digital Government”, In Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Hawaii. 


Park, J., and Park, KR. (2020). “Understanding the Research Landscape of Digital Work in Developing Countries”, In Proceedings of the IFIP Joint Working Conference, Hyderabad.​​ 

Bannister, F., Cordella, A., and Park, KR. (2020). “Introduction to Policies and Strategies for Digital Government”, In Proceedings of the 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Hawaii. 


Conference Proceedings (Abstract Accepted) 


우윤지, 박민철, 배준성, 김재형, 박경렬. (2023-11-15). 항공우주 분야의 인공지능 연구 동향 분석: LDA 토픽 모델링을 중심으로. Exploring Artificial Intelligence Applications on Aerospace Research Trends: An Approach with LDA Topic Modeling. 한국항공우주학회 학술발표회 초록집, 강원.

양문열, 박경렬. (2023-06-28). 국제협력의 관점에서 본 국가우주개발정책의 진화: 한국의 사례연구. The Evolution of National Space Policy: A View from Cooperation on the Case of South Korea. 한국항공우주학회 학술발표회 초록집, 전남.

Sial, F., and Park, KR. (2020). “The Republic of Science and Technology: Conceptualising Korea’s 4th Industrial Revolution”, In: 5th Geography of Innovation Conference, Stavanger, Norway.​ 

Park, KR. (2018). “The Role of Datification in Monitoring and Evaluation of Official Development Assistance”, Development Studies Association (DSA) Annual Conference, Manchester.​

Park, KR., Kim, Y. (2017). “Digital Inequality - A New Source of Generational Conflict? Case of Balkanization in South Korea”, Connected Life Conference, Oxford.

Park, KR. (2016). “Institutional Isomorphism and Organized Hypocrisy: Case of Indonesia”, Development Studies Association (DSA) Annual Conference, Oxford.

Park, KR. (2016). “Social Shaping of Aid Information Management Systems”, ICTD 2016, Michigan.

Park, KR. (2015). “Does Open Data Enhance Aid Coordination among Stakeholders?”. In: Proceedings of the First Open Data  Research Symposium, Ottawa, Canada.

Policy Reports & Others 

"Republic of Korea's  Approach to Digital Technical Standards" (2023). Ridgeway Information. London (with Heejin Lee, Hanna Zoo and Sungmi Kim).  

매일경제신문사 (2024). 세계지식포럼 인사이트 2024 테크노빅뱅: 거인의 어깨 위에 올라선 인류.  참여.

경제·인문사회연구회 (2023). 한아세안 상생연대 구축과 국제개발협력. 공동.

경제·인문사회연구회 (2023). 2023 대한민국 미래전망연구. 참여. 

과학기술특성화대학의 신남방지역 우수학생 유치 및 교육·연구환경 조성에 관한 연구 (2019). 과학기술정보통신부.  책임. 


“Digital Divide Between and Within Countries”, DevPolicy, July 2019 (with Amanda H.A. Watson). 


Under Review at Journals (selected) 

"Understanding Information Systems Failure from the View of an Emerging State Actor in the field of International Development: the Case of Aid Information Management systems in Indonesia"  (Single) 

"Governing Through Data: Competition and Cooperation in the Global Development Practices" (Single) 

"Data Governace in Disaster Management Practices" (with Sundeep Sahay, Pamod Amarakoon, Jorn Braa)

"A Process Model of Digital Resilience and Transformability: Information Systems to the COVID-19 in Sri Lanka" (with Sundeep Sahay, Jorn Braa, and Pamod Amarakoon) 

"Geo-politics or Techno-politics? - Theorizing Generativity in the Era of Artificial Intelligence" (Single)  

"Multi-Label Classification of UN Sustainable Development Goals with Large Language Models​" (DJ Lee, SW Park, JH Lee, KJ Ahn, Mia Cha)  

"Governance without Governing: Complexity of Localizing AI Governance" (with Matthew Liao) 


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